
Geoff, Barrie and Natalie - Wildlife Outing, Tala Game Reserve
Once a month we venture forth in Durban and its surrounds, on a photographic outing.

Depending on the outing, it could be an early morning session on the beach, to get the sunrise over the sea. Or a night shoot on top of one of Durban's tallest buildings.

There is normally a meal involved - we affectionately call ourselves 'The Eating Club with a Camera Problem', as we usually organise outings around meal of some kind. Taking photos can be hungry work!

Outings are the perfect way to learn from others, either by watcing what they do, or by asking questions.

Check the schedule for details.

At The Scott Kelby Worldwide Photowalk 2009
HCC Special Outing to Moses Mabhida Stadium - June 2009